Stop playing the victim role!

The power to change your life is in your hands, whatever you will become tomorrow lies in the choices you make today. I know people can be wicked, people can be mean and people can do all kinds of bad things to you, and it's kind of easier for you to throw all the blames at them for why your life turned out the way it is now when you should be taking responsibility for your life and moving on instead. The greatest revenge you can ever give to those who hurt you is to forgive them and move on with your life. Show them how much better you have become without them, show them that their deeds and plots could not hold you back, take your power away from them by letting them go and thank them for the lessons they taught you, which have made you better and more aware. Stop blaming them - I know they must have hurt you so bad and left you broken - but the power to become what ever you choose is in your hands. If you are in a bad place in your life currently, you let...