
Showing posts from October, 2019

Creating Vision

Visions are the things we imagine, the ideas and dreams that comes to our mind, a man can only become as great as the vision he see and create. Vision is all about creating a mental picture of your future in your mind until it becomes a reality. lf you can dream it, you can be it. Create your vision NOW! and ACT NOW! For your tomorrow awaits to manifest the visions you created today.


Life is an opporturnity- use it  life is a gift- accept it, life is a struggle- fight it  life is painful- endure it life is a problem-solve it life is a game-play it life is a mystery-unfold it life is a sorrow-overcome it life is a refreshment-enjoy it  life is a promise-fulfil it  life is a decision-take it life is a journey-complete it life is a change-meet it