Learn fom the story of Smith on the power to becoming whatever you choose to be

Once upon a time there was a young boy called Smith born in a little village, his parents were poor with his Dad barely scraping to survive the hardship of life. His Dad would always blame life for his ill fortunes and bad state. His father never had a plan to push himself and his family out of dire poverty, he never had the courage to face his fear and change his negative thoughts and habit. He  never took any risk, he preferred to be  in that circumstances and blamed his predicaments on fate, all Smith mother could do was support him and fuel his limiting beliefs, apparently they both had a limited mindset. But on the other side of the spectrum, Smith was not having any of this, he thought to himself, life is definitely more than this or are men created to suffer? Most definitely not! He thought aloud. He was always accompanying his father to Mr Roland's Mansion where is father was a gardener, Smith was always inspired by the sight of Mr Roland's mansion and his attitude. This is who I want to be like, Smith will always tell his father. Apparently Smith left home in search of greener pastures because he felt his environment and the people he was associating with were all limiting his potential. Smith worked tirelessly, there were times when things were so hard and he felt like giving up and going back to home, but no he kept on pushing, he kept on fighting, he was certain that victory will always be a he a for those who never give up. He kept the hope alive and he never ceased to dream big, there was a burning desire in his eyes, a desire to become great and to settle for nothing less. Smith continued pushing, striving and never giving up  until one day he came across an old man who was stranded, apparently the old man was on a journey home, when his car needed had a problem and needed repair. Smith took this man into his house, took care of him, repaired his car and bid him farewell the following morning. The Old man thanked him and went his way. After a week, two men were in front of Mr Smith's house and requested that the Mayor of the city would like to see him. Mr Smith was quite disturbed, he wondered why the Mayor would want to see him, nevertheless he went with them. Lo and behold when he stepped into the office, he saw Mr Roland and the Mayor discussing and seated at the far right was the strange old man. Mr Smith was lost in wonder and was perplexed. His hero, his mayor and the strange man all in one place, Smith was asked to sit down for a few minutes. After a while Mr Roland worked up to him, I feel like I know you boy, where are you from he asked? Smith narated every bit of their history together, Mr Roland just listened with tears in his eyes he said to Smith - that is my father over there, thank you for what you did for me and the mayor is my brother, by this time the mayor had already joined them in the conversation. That was how Smith was heavily rewarded for his kindness and his hard work, his resourcefulness and skill made it easy for Mr Roland and the mayor to set him up in business and in their international organization. That was how Smith became one the richest men in the city. What was the difference between Smith and his Father? Their mentality and choices! Smith made a conscious choice to be great and took the responsibility to achieve his desire, he never blamed anyone like his father did. He was able to realise early in life that the power to become great or small is in our hands. You have the power to be the best, you have the power to be a success or a failure.... Choose to be great today


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