
Showing posts from August, 2021

The power to become is in your hands!

Let's take a good look at the story of a poor drunkard who had two children, while one grew up to be as poor as his father alongside been a more competent drunkard than his father, the other son stayed away from alcohol and grew up to be very rich. The two sons where asked one question, how did you become who you are now? The poor one said - it's because my father was a poor and an ardent drunkard, so i thought it right to follow his footstep, i allowed his character to influence me. While the rich one said I hated the sight of my poor and drunk father, I didn't want my life to be like his own, so I decided to stay away from alcohol and give my all to become successful and live a better life for me and my family. Two son's, the same drunk father,  What differentiated them is thier mentality and choices.  The lesson I want us to learn from this story is this - we all have the power to become whatever we choose to be, either positively ...

Learn fom the story of Smith on the power to becoming whatever you choose to be

Once upon a time there was a young boy called Smith born in a little village, his parents were poor with his Dad barely scraping to survive the hardship of life. His Dad would always blame life for his ill fortunes and bad state. His father never had a plan to push himself and his family out of dire poverty, he never had the courage to face his fear and change his negative thoughts and habit. He  never took any risk, he preferred to be  in that circumstances and blamed his predicaments on fate, all Smith mother could do was support him and fuel his limiting beliefs, apparently they both had a limited mindset. But on the other side of the spectrum, Smith was not having any of this, he thought to himself, life is definitely more than this or are men created to suffer? Most definitely not! He thought aloud. He was always accompanying his father to Mr Roland's Mansion where is father was a gardener, Smith was always inspired by the sight of Mr Roland's mansion and his ...