Anything ever created by man started as an impulse of imagination. Imagination is the workshop of the mind, To be able to create something physically you have to first create it in your mind, in other words imagination is what gives our thought shape. The great inventions and innovations you see and admire where as a result of someone else's imagination. Our imagination is the movie screen of our mind and it is a very powerful tool given to us by God himself. Why? So that we could envision ourselves as God sees us. Whatever we think and dwell on is going to be playing on the movie screen of our mind. So let me ask you … what are the images in your mind? what kind of movies have you been playing? Stealing? Pornography? Or are they scenarios of fear, worry, doom, sickness, despair, oppression? Perhaps it’s thoughts of depression, negativity, grief, sorrow, anger, debt, resentment? Or do you think greatness? Love? Gratitude? Peace? Innovation? Prosperity? Thoughts that el...